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Arne Garborg (1851-1924      

Norwegian writer of the naturalistic school. He founded the weekly Fedraheim (1877), in which he urged reforms in many spheres-political, social, religious, agrarian, and linguistic. Garborg championed the use of Nynorsk, New Norwegian, which is based on rural dialects, as a literary language; he translated the Odyssey into it. Several of his early novels presented male views in the debate on sexual morality conduted throughout the 1880s. Two outstanding novels, Tired Men (1891) and Peace (1892, tr. 1929), relate the tragic disintegration of morally bankrupt and guilt-ridden men

diruak guztia eman dezakeela diote. Ez da egia. Elikagaiak eros daitezke, baina jangura ez; baita botikak ere, baina osasuna ez; etzaleku erosoa ere bai, baina logura ez; ezagupenak bai, baina adimena ez; itxurak bai, baina ongizatea ez; dibertsioa bai, baina plazerra ez; ezagunak bai, baina adiskidetasuna ez; zerbitzariak bai, baina fideltasuna ez; ile urdinak bai, baina ohorea ez; egun lasaiak bai, baina bakea ez; diruaren bidez guztiaren oskola eros daiteke, baina bihia ez. Hori ez du diruak ematen